Alton and District Stamp Club
The Czuczman Cup was presented to the Club in 1980 by Mike Czuczman, who was at that time Club Chairman. He was a leading light in the organisation of Stampex (for many years he was Company Secretary of Stampex Ltd) and is an honorary member of the Philatelic Traders’ Society.
Rules of the Competition
1. The Competition is open to all members of Alton and District Stamp Club.
2. Entrants shall provide a display of up to TEN sheets; only one Entry per member is permitted.
3. The Organisers shall identify each Entry anonymously (using letters A, B, C etc.) before placing it on the Display Boards.
4. The subject of each display is the free choice of the Entrant, and there are no restrictions on the material displayed, provided it is of a philatelic nature.
5. Entrants do not make any form of presentation in support of their display.
6. The judging of the Competition is done by all members of the club who are present on the evening. They are asked to examine the displays on the Boards, and must, without collaboration, award points to every Entry. Entrants do NOT mark their own Entry. (In the event that an Entrant is absent on the day of the competition, the overall score for his/her Entry should be reduced proportionately.)
7. Marking is done under four headings, as follows:
Maximum points available
- General Appearance and Presentation 5
- Investigation and Background Research 5
- Philatelic Content and Condition of Material 10
- General interest and the “telling of the story” 5
Each entry is thus given a score out of a maximum of 25 points.
8. An anonymous marking schedule shall be completed by all members present, and passed to the Organisers. (A member may, however, opt not to participate at all in the judging.) Every Entry (except the Entrant’s own) MUST be given a score; partially completed schedules shall be disregarded by the Organisers.
9. The scores for each entry from all those present are then added together, and the Entrant with the highest score is the winner of the Czuczman Cup.
10. In the event of a tie, separation shall be done firstly on the score for Philatelic Content and Condition of Material, and secondly, if necessary, on the score for Investigation and Background Research.
11. After the Cup has been awarded, the Organisers may invite entrants to speak about their displays.